Friday 13 April 2012

Order! Banner

Okay, I know that I have yet to receive even 10 orders since March till now. Yet, I cannot remember the frequency of me receiving orders from my dear bloggers out there! What thrilled me is that now my order form can be used again! I thought of removing the form previously as I almost gave up with the defunct form.

Here's an order from Yue Hua Yue Hua, who has requested for simple colourful banners. Due to time constraints, I've only  made three simple samples. Hope you'll like them! (Yes, it is simple, but choosing the fonts is more than just an issue, especially for Miss Snowman the Kiasu Perfectionist.)


这个是Yue Hua Yue Hua下的订单哦——简单彩虹色banner,由于时间限制,我只做了三个例子。希望你会喜欢哦。(制作过程虽说简单,但是要选适合的字体,却难若登天,尤其是像雪人这样的挑剔虫!)

As usual, do leave a comment regardless of being satisfied or otherwise! Don't forget to click my Nuffnang too! 


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