Service Corner 服务站


A. Essay Help

Feel free to e-mail me if you face any glitches in writing essays. I can help in Bahasa Malaysia, English and Chinese. However, don't expect me to write out the ENTIRE essay for you; I give only points and relevant quotes.




B. Material Order 素材订单

I will notify if orders are open due to my busy college life.

You may want to read these before ordering:

  1. Do notify the details IN A VERY, VERY DETAILED MANNER. I will not redo your orders once they are done. I need LOTS of details to minimise errors. 
  2. Any order with vague descriptions such as "cute", "neat", "beautiful", "shiny" and "not too large" will not be entertained and will be deleted.
  3. Do not edit my form. I will be using a whole new format since the old form is faulty at times! This form is packed with details to minimise errors.
  4. You may submit the form in English or Mandarin Chinese.
  5. Blog links and Facebook links are mandatory. Make sure that I can visit them so that I can notify you guys when orders are done.
  6. Do NOT compare my stuff with the others!

  1. 一定要详细、具体列明详情。订单一做好,不接受重做。
  2. 订单详情若有以下形容词,如:“可爱”、“整齐”、“美丽”、“闪闪发亮”、“不要太大”等一律作废,因为每个人审美观不一样,而且这么形容,很不清楚!博主不清楚你们要怎样的素材。
  3. 不要随意篇改我的订单表格。博主用新的格式(旧的不能用了),新订单有各详情,以减低制作方面的失误。
  4. 你可以选用英语或华语订单表格,填好呈交。
  5. 一定要放部落链接和面子书链接,并确保链接有效,方便通知你们哦。
  6. 不要拿我的订单和其他博主作比较!
About my Stuff 关于素材
  1. Animated banners, chatbox backgrounds and logos will suit only on white backgrounds.
  2. I will include my credit in banners and Chatbox Backgrounds.
  3. If you want specific images, kindly include the image Direct Link/URL. As for colours, should you fail to describe it, you may tell me the colour code. Otherwise the tone of the colour and image will be UP TO MY SELECTION.
  4. If you do not have Image Direct Link, tell me what you want. (e.g. Hello Kitty)
  5. Do not just tell me the colour of the material. I will ignore such orders as I do not know what you want. Plain colour? Image? 

  1. 动态Banner、聊天室背景和Logo只适合白色背景。
  2. 我会在Banner和聊天室背景置放我的Credit。
  3. 附上图片链接,颜色方面不知怎么形容的话,可以告诉我颜色代码。否则,色调和图片由博主决定。
  4. 没有图片链接,就告诉我你要什么。如:凯蒂猫
  5. 不要只告诉我素材颜色,类似订单一律无视,因为博主不清楚你要什么。单单有颜色还是要什么图案?博主可不是神机妙算刘伯温啊!!!

Ordering 订单时须注意的事项
  1. Do send the finished order form to me via Facebook inbox or Comment below. STRICTLY NO EMAIL VIA HOTMAIL, GMAIL ETC. Please.
  2. I do not help design blogs but I can teach you. Sorry to say, I know only about Blogger Template.
  3. I will notify you through the Chat Box and Facebook once the order is done.
  4. Please allow me three days to a week for your order to be done.
  5. For further enquiries, you may ask me at my Chatbox.

  1. 请把订单留言在此帖子下或去面子书PM我禁止通过电邮送订单!
  2. 我不帮你设计部落,不过我可以教你如何设计。对不起,我只会设计Blogger Template的哦。
  3. 订单完成,用聊天室和面子书通知。
  4. 请给我三天至一星期时间,做好订单。
  5. 任何询问,请在我的聊天室留言,谢谢!

Thank you and Happy Ordering!


Sample Order Form: 例子:

Order Form for Banner:Name: Sharon Ng
Blog Address: http://sharonnghy94.blogspot.comAddress for Facebook Profile: of Banner: (Just tell me the number 1/2/3/4.) 3
Your Text: Sharon Here
Main colour: (Maximum 3 for best results) Orange, White
Image Direct Link (If any): requests: Add bubble effect, Use "Rags to Riches" font

I make:

Blog banner 部落Banner

  1. Text and Picture (as in Blogskin) 字和图片(如Blogskin用的)(请自备Image Direct Link!Please provide Image Direct Link!) Sample HERE (You may specify the size 你可以自定大小)
  2. Banner tailored to fit the blog 连接部落内容的banner (As the banner I am currently using, please provide the width of your banner, e.g. 1000px, otherwise it'll not be entertained. 像我现在用的banner,请告诉我banner宽度、大小,如:1000px,否则恕不受理。)
  3. Text and background 字和背景 (Sample HERE)
  4. Text, picture and background 字+图片+背景 (Sample HERE)
Order Forms BELOW!!! (Please copy the title for your convenience 为了方便,请顺便附上表格题目哦。)

Banner 订单表格
姓名 :
部落网址 :
 Banner种类: (告诉我1/2/3/4即可。)
主要颜色:   (最多三个,以获得最佳效果。)
图片Direct Link (如有) :

Order Form for Banner:
Blog Address:
Address for Facebook Profile:
Type of Banner: (Just tell me the number 1/2/3/4.)
Your Text:
Main colour: (Maximum 3 for best results)
Image Direct Link (If any):
Other requests:

聊天室  Chatbox Background

  1. Simple Sharon Style 简单风 (Sample HERE)
  2. True-blue Talkbox (Speech Bubble) 讲话气泡 (Sample HERE) (Please specify the type of bubble 请列明气泡种类)
  3. Maxi Style 大型聊天室 (Sample HERE)
  4. Mini Style 小型聊天室 (Sample HERE)
  5. Hidden Chatbox 隐藏式聊天室背景
  6. Designer Themed Chatbox 特设主体背景 (e.g. Star Sign, Television, Lace) (Sample: Animal ear; Smart Phone) (Please tell the theme and colour)
姓名 :
部落网址 :
聊天室背景种类: (告诉我1/2/3/4/5/6即可。)
主要颜色:   (最多三个,以获得最佳效果。)
图片Direct Link (如有) :

Order Form for Chatbox Background:
Blog Address:
Address for Facebook Profile:
Type of Chatbox Background: (Just tell me the number 1/2/3/4/5/6)
Your Text:
Main colour: (Maximum 3 for best results)
Image Direct Link (If any):
Other requests:

Cursor 鼠标 

  1. Japanese Style 日系鼠标
  2. Wand style 魔术棒 (Sample HERE)
  3. Image style 有图画的 (Sample HERE)
  4. Image/wand with name 图画/魔术棒,附有名字

These styles are available for Choice 1. 以下的是专给迷你鼠绘鼠标使用。

姓名 :
部落网址 :
鼠标种类: (告诉我1/2/3/4即可。)
主要颜色:   (最多三个,以获得最佳效果。)
图片Direct Link (如有) :

Order Form for Cursor:
Blog Address:
Address for Facebook Profile:
Type of Cursor: (Just tell me the number 1/2/3)
Your Text:
Main colour: (Maximum 3 for best results)
Image Direct Link (If any):
Other requests:

Page Menu Tab 页面按钮

  1. Plain Text 纯字
  2. Plain Text with Effect (Watermark) 纯字+效果(水印)(Sample HERE)
  3. Blinking Text 闪字 (Specify blink before/after colour 列明闪字前后颜色) (Animated 动态)
  4. Image + Text (No background) 图片+字(无背景)
  5. Picture Tab 图片按钮 (Like the one I'm using 我用的那种)

姓名 :
部落网址 :
页面按钮种类: (告诉我1/2/3/4/5即可。)
主要颜色:   (最多三个,以获得最佳效果。)
图片Direct Link (如有) :

Order Form for Page Menu Tab:
Blog Address:
Address for Facebook Profile:
Type of Page Menu Tab: (Just tell me the number 1/2/3/4/5)
Your Text for each Tab:
Main colour: (Maximum 3 for best results)
Image Direct Link (If any):
Shape: (Rectangle/Heart/Round/Star)
Other requests:

Back To Top 

  1. Plain Text 纯字
  2. Plain Text with Effect (Watermark) 纯字+效果(水印)
  3. Image + Text (No background) 图片+字(无背景)
  4. Shape+Text in Shape 形状+字
Back To Top订单表格
姓名 :
部落网址 :
页面按钮种类: (告诉我1/2/3/4即可。)
主要颜色:   (最多三个,以获得最佳效果。)
图片Direct Link (如有) :

Order Form for Back To Top:
Blog Address:
Address for Facebook Profile:
Type of Back To Top: (Just tell me the number 1/2/3/4)
Your Text for each Tab:
Main colour: (Maximum 3 for best results)
Image Direct Link (If any):
Shape: (Rectangle/Heart/Round/Star) (Applicable ONLY to those who choose "4")
Other requests:

Blog Logo 部落链接

  1. Word and Picture 字和图
  2. Word in a Box (Sample HERE)

姓名 :
部落网址 :
页面按钮种类: (告诉我1/2即可。)
主要颜色:   (最多三个,以获得最佳效果。)
图片Direct Link (如有) :

Order Form for Blog Logo Link:
Blog Address:
Address for Facebook Profile:
Type of Back To Top: (Just tell me the number 1/2)
Your Text for each Tab:
Main colour: (Maximum 3 for best results)
Image Direct Link (If any):
Other requests:

P/S: Be it essays or order, please send in your request at least three days in advance. Remember to e-mail to me as soon as you have placed your order(s) First come, first served. :) By the way, I don't ask for much in return; I just hope you to click on my Nuffnang.


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