I made most of the materials myself. Of course, there are some which are from other websites-I will note if there are any!
You are more than welcome to use these materials but I hope you will abide to the following rules:
- Feel free to use them, but please leave a comment okay? That is basic manners in the blogosphere. (Unless otherwise if you do not have any Blogger account.)
- If you want to share them, you MUST notify me beforehand and INCLUDE MY BLOG LINK. Failure to do so will be deemed as piagiarism.
- For my SELF-MADE MATERIALS, NEVER remove the credits! Mind you. You will not want others to take your work as theirs, don't you?
- Do kindly click my Nuffnang, please. This is a form of encouragement to spur me to produce better materials!
I do not want too many rules in my blog because I love a pleasant and carefree blogging environment as much as you do.
Cursors 鼠标(100%自制 100% Self-made)
- School Life 我的学校,我的乐园
- Cutie Strawberry 可爱草莓
- Animals-Cats 喵咪
- Be My Valentine 恋之语
- I See Stars 星星之恋
- I See Stars (Part 2)
- Cute Ribbons 可爱蝴蝶结
- Magic Wand 魔术棒
- Zodiac Cursors 星座鼠标
- Four Seasons 四季
- Christmas Cursors 圣诞鼠标
- Chinese New Year Cursors 贺岁鼠标
- Bears
- Back To Top Button (Simple)
- Back to Top Button-Animals 动物系列Back To Top
- How to do scroll to top button? (Chinese)
Human Drawings 人物小图
- Happy Angel 快乐安琪
- School Series-Schoolgirls (non-Animated)
- Dolls Wonderland娃娃天堂
- Schoolgirls
- Schoolgirls (Braid) 扎辫子学生
- Freedom Is in Me
- Gentle Girl 斯文女生
- Malay Girl 马来女生
- Cute Little Girls 可爱女娃
- Korean Girls 韩国娃娃
- Cute Japanese Style Girls 可爱日系女孩 (From the Internet 转载自网络)
- Christmas Angels 可爱圣诞小天使
Little Icons/Pictures 小图
- 可爱日系甜食小图标 Cute Japanese food pictures (转载 From the Net)
- 韩系手绘小图 (转载 From the Net)
- 手提袋小图 Little Handbag Animations
- Little Cups 小杯子
- 精巧蛋糕 Petite Cakes
- 甜点、咖啡 Desserts & Coffee
- 精巧圣诞小图 Petite Christmas Icons
Dividers 分割线
- Fruit Dividers 水果分割线
- Love Dividers 心形分割线
- Vegetable Dividers 蔬菜分割线
- Animated Dividers 动态分割线 (转载 From the Net)
- Bunny and Pencil Dividers 兔子和铅笔分割线
- Bunny and Cat Dividers 兔子和猫咪分割线
- Cute Clover Dividers 可爱四叶草分割线(转载 From the Net)
Tabs/Logo Backgrounds 底图
- LoveBeads Logo Tab Backgrounds 爱之珠logo底图
- Fruit Tabs 水果底图
- Simple Tabs 简单底图
- 心形页面图 Menu Tabs: Love & Hearts
Backgrounds 背景
- Retro/Vintage Backgrounds 复古背景(转载 From the Net)
- Colourful Star Backgrounds 七彩星星重复背景
- Stripes VS Polka Dots 线条和点点背景
- Stripe Backgrounds 条纹背景
- Lace Wallpapers 蕾丝墙纸
- Lace Backgrounds 蕾丝背景
- Bubble and Mosaic Backgrounds 泡泡和马赛克背景
- Brilliant Colour Backgrounds 炫彩背景
- Ethnic Backgrounds 民族风背景 (转载 From the Net)
Chatbox Backgrounds 聊天室背景(100%自制 100% Self-made)
- Fast Food Chatbox Background 快餐聊天室背景
- Rilakumma Chatbox Background (1) 懒懒熊聊天室背景 (1)
- Teddy Bear Chatbox Backgrounds 泰迪熊聊天室背景
- Animated Pink Chatbox Backgrounds 动态粉色系聊天室背景
- Chopper Chatbox Backgrounds 乔巴聊天室背景
- 小资留言板(动态)
- Tare Panda Chatbox Backgrounds 趴趴熊聊天室背景
- Hidden chatbox Backgrounds 隐藏式聊天室背景
- Strawberry Babe Chatbox Backgrounds 草莓妹留言箱背景
- Smartphone Chatbox Backgrounds 智能手机聊天室背景
- Girls' Chatbox Backgrounds 女生系列聊天室背景
- Tare Panda Chatbox Backgrounds 趴趴熊聊天室背景 (Part 2)
- Tare Panda Chatbox Backgrounds 趴趴熊聊天室背景 (Part 3)
- Simple Bear Chatbox Backgrounds 熊熊聊天室背景(简单风)
Headers & Click To Enter (100%自制 100% Self-Made)
- Click To Enter
- Header/Banner (Whatever Do You Call It As) -Girly 女生系
- Header Background (Just add in words, designs yourself!)
Beautiful Decorative Pictures 唯美图(转载 From the Net)
Others 其他
- Quotes from Lilo and Stitch 名句名言(Lilo and Stitch)
- Bow notice Board 蝴蝶结布告板 (转载 From the Net)
- Christmas Combo 综合圣诞素材 (转载 From the Net)
Last updated on 1/1/2014, 11:13p.m.
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