Sunday 8 April 2012

读书,怎么办?Time To Study and I feel like... HOW? (Part 6)

Uh, oh, seems like I have broken my rules to share my study tips once in two days! It has been four days since my last post on study tips. The culprit: BAD WEATHER. (Eh stop giving stupid excuses okay, Ah Moi? You always overslept!)

Ha ha ha.

Time to get back to the point! (This is the sequel to Part 5-The "Etiquettes" in School. )

#4: Group Discussion 群组讨论

There is no excuse for you to be a hermit and hide in a corner and chew into your books all alone. Neither should you carry the knowledge to your grave. (Choi! Now is Cheng Beng Festival, okay?)Worse, being a loner.


Rather, why not bond well with your comrades? (Well, I do not mean I have dozens of friends; My friends ain't many) As the saying goes, "A friend in need is a friend indeed". By discussing in small groups of four or five, (the actual number of members is up to you, but I recommend not less than two and not more than ten) you can exchange ideas and reduce boredom in class.


Those who are better in a particular subject can teach their fellow group members. Thus, when this happens in ALL subjects, everyone can learn the methods to improve their comprehension in every subjects, thus enhancing their academic performance at the same. Best of all, more communication means stronger friendship. You can either hold discussions during the recess time, after school, at your friends home or via social networking sites (by setting up your own closed groups)-it's up to you!

Apart from discussing subjects, all of you can even go to your teacher as a group should you have any problems in a particular topic. Your teacher will be happier if you ask him/her questions in groups rather than as solos. Mind you, answering students' questions one-by-one is time-consuming, and you don't want to face a red-faced teacher chasing you away for disturbing him, do you?


*Well, teachers today are not just teachers; they have to double up as secretaries or typewriters as well! Some may even have to be part-time sport coaches or dance instructors or anything possible to them. Being a teacher is, by no means easy!


Next time, complain no more when your teacher assigns you group work no matter how tedious they may be! It will do you great!


Coming Up: Part 7 (Still in School)

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